Kenniscentrum Cultuureducatie Rotterdam

customer journey animation


Kenniscentrum Cultuureducatie Rotterdam works to introduce children and young people to art and culture. This is so that they can discover what they find interesting and fun, develop their talents and learn skills in a playful way. KCR wants to connect education and culture within the city.


The education that is offered to students gives them the opportunity to move around in the dynamic, diverse city of Rotterdam. The connection between the art/culture sector and education is their biggest challenge, because they want to communicate what these parties can expect from each other.

The goal

KCR asked us to make a customer journey animation that tells the story of their work and what they stand for.

Our solution

The result is an animation with a twist, informing the school about their customer journey through a design in line with the KCR's identity.

final result

With a pinch of food symbolism, their customer can, schools in Rotterdam, see how, together with KCR, they choose their own ingredients for a customized plan. The result was a large selection of visual foods (... which made our animators quite hungry).


The animation creation process has its own customer journey. In collaboration with KCR, brainstorms and sketches took place, which led to a solid basis for the final design and animation.


The animation can be viewed online and offline, via the website, social media or a first meeting with the customer.

Each project requires a unique approach and solution. Let's talk and discuss how we can help you!

+31 (0)10 891 0326


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A selection of our projects that make us and our clients proud

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538 infographic presentation
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Schone Schie Project  animation

Studio Analogue internal project

Stage 2 animation

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Stage 2  animation

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