
medische software animatie


Springlife Medical is an internationally oriented company based in Utrecht, in the centre of The Netherlands. The Springlife-team has a combined experience for more than 50 years in the medical field, mainly in (invasive) pain management. Through the years they have built a strong network of experts, doctors and scientists in various medical disciplines.


The Spring2 is an innovative medical device that relieves nerve pain by means of pulsating radio waves. The device can be used in various ways by medical professionals such as neurologists and anesthetists. The innovative character of the product includes its manageability and small size, making it portable. The device can also use pulsed radio frequency in two different ways, namely invasive with skin electrodes.

The goal

Springlife Medical asked us to create two animations. One to present the new product, and one that can be used as a manual. The commercial animation to promote the product is based on the informative animation.

Our solution

In order to properly visualize the working mechanism, we investigated exactly how this method of pain relief works, what exactly the device does and how to visualize pain. These different features and treatment methods are explained in the commercial video.

Final result

The informative video is to the point with enough calmness to explain everything step by step. For the commercial variant we edited the scenes faster.


Because the product is sold internationally, it was necessary to provide a manual for this in different languages. To overcome this, an animation has been made in which all settings and options are explained, and this can be used by the user as a reference. At the same time, this is an ideal introduction during the first use of the Spring2, in the same visual style as the other communications.


The animations have been used on the website of Springlife and during events and presentations.

Every project asks for a unique approach and solution. Let's have a talk and discuss what we can do to help you!

+31 (0)10 891 0326



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